Saturday, October 26, 2013

Weekly Dosage…

                     This week’s words are critical thinking, concentration, and inspiration. Critical thinking is when you find the deeper meaning of something. This is needed in order to truly enjoy or learn something that is shown to you. Concentration is when you are “in the zone” or in deep focus in completing a task. This is needed in order to complete something to the best of your ability. Inspiration is when something “lights a spark” or makes you want to do something after seeing or hearing something. Without inspiration earth will not be what it is today. Inspiration makes people want to improve thing which improves overall life experience worldwide depending on what they fix. When using all of these three things together creating or doing anything is possible.

Supreme Court Justice Inbound!!!

                This week Sonya Sotomayor visited our school to speak to us about her life. I felt very honored to have someone of such great authority to grace us with her presence at our school. She could have been in a million different places such a Yale and speak with those students. Yet she choose our school to speak and tell us about her life struggles. I was very excited to be able to see her in person because, I read her book and there was a lot that I can relate to her with. She didn’t have an easy life growing up yet she still became successful. Her speech was given on money in the student center at 7 pm. If you were not able to attend last Monday hopefully she will come back next year. I am very happy to be the very few people to say I was able to attend this event.

Where do I Stand….

Blog B

                This week we received midterm grade for the first half of the semester. I was so excited to receive my grades because, I knew I was not failing anything. I expected my lowest grade to a B- which I expected to be media class. When I seen my grades I was let down and very disappointed with myself. So then I thought to myself what did I do wrong to receive grades like this. None of my grades were failing but, I felt very disappointed in myself.

                My highest grade was an A- which I received in history class with my next highest being a B+ in economics class. My lower grades were a C+ which I received in INQ and Media class. My lowest grade which I received was a C in math class which actually surprised me a lot. As I viewed these grades for a while it finally hit me where I went wrong. As midterm grades became closer and closer I started to slack of in some classes. For example in INQ I became lazy in my blogs and decided not to do all of them. I thought it wouldn’t affect my grade it I don’t do like one or two. One problem with that is I forgot blogs are basically 60% of grade.

                This ended up being a much needed rude awakening to get me back on track with my work. I thought that my family and I pay money for me to attend college and I’m wasting time and money because, I would rather go to a party then do a blog or study for an upcoming test. If I have to pay for college I might as well learn something while I am here. I don’t want to just be another student just barely passing my classes and know nearly nothing in my field of study. Now I know that there are no real brakes in college because, it is very easy to slack off and you may not realize how it is affecting your grade until it is too late.

A Moment for Deep Thought…

Blog A

                Critical thinking is basically the unspoken truths behind a peace of literature or something you heard. It is as if you are understanding the deeper meaning behind a statement which you have heard. For example Nike has a phrase “Just Do It.” To some this just may not have much meaning behind it “just do it”. If you think of it there is a lot of meaning behind that little phrase. One main thing that people don’t think about is the period at the end. One may think what is so special behind a simple period.

 A period is means that it is the end of a sentence. After a period that sentence is over and you can’t add anything else to it. A period means that it is the end. So “just do it” is saying do the goal or challenge that was given. By adding the period to the end of it just reinforces what that statement is saying. This means to just complete your task “period” no excuses. This mean that the period is saying there is nothing else to say no excuses.

All of this can be brought to you when a person uses critical thinking in a statement or through everyday life. Critical thinking is expected to be used all the time when in college. By the end of college the use of critical thinking should be second nature to you. I use critical thinking a lot myself when I am given projects in college. When we are given a task I try to find a deeper meaning behind my answer in order to complete my task to the best of my ability. In today’s world companies want to hire people that practice critical thinking in order to better their businesses. Critical thinking is a skill that everyone should master to the best of their ability.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Homecoming Game....

This week was one of the biggest week's of the year. This week we played a school called stone hill which is a rivalry of southern. A lot of alumni came out to this game to see old coaches and be reunited with some of their old teammates. It was a very good game but, in the end stone hill ended up ended southern's three game win streak. This was a home game for Southern Connecticut with the stands filled with fans and even the band started to play. I felt helpless as I watched stone hill come back because, I was a red shirt freshman which means I sit out a year. So I will have to wait a year to defend our field in one of the biggest games of the year.

Weekly Dosage...

         This week’s words are mastery, perfection, and dedication which is needed to be the best you can be. Mastery means that you know all the tips and tricks to doing and activity nearly perfectly. People who master a certain field usually get paid the most at jobs or are bosses at a job. Perfection is when something is flawless and you want things to be perfect so you can get the maximum benefits for your hard work. The next word is dedication which means that you put all your focus and energy into doing something. This can mean practicing extra in something you are bad in to help you master the activity you are doing. If you use these three things you can be the best at any activity but, to reach that level takes hard work.

Me in six words…

          Greatness is earned through hard work… I feel this can summarize my life in just those six words. I had to work for a lot of things that I did which come from sports and my family. In my mom I was the only child before my little sister was born. My whole family pushed me to do good with my grades and failure wasn’t an option. Also in sports no team is going to roll over and just let us beat them. Every person that was ever great in that this world had to work very hard at it. Truthfully I feel that it is nothing wrong with hard work as long as you push yourself and not just give up. I remember one year in football the coaches would push us so hard in practice that people quit. I know that it may feel like to much work to handle but, the coaches know when to stop. They are not going to let us pass out on the field… (unless we lose our homecoming game in scsu last game). I feel you should never quit unless you went all out and have no more to give. There is a big difference between stop running because you don’t feel like it and stop running because you cant breath. You cant be lazy if you want to be great in something. You need deliberate practice in order to master something and become great at it. I played football for 10 years out of my 18 years of my life and I know what it takes to be great. Even though I played football for 10 years I feel that I am not the best at my position but, I know a lot of tips and tricks to beat different people. 

Blog B

Saturday, October 5, 2013

How do you see yourself???

                 Everyone is different so people have different looks and ideas on what they believe in. Some people have more grit then others but, does that make you better then someone else. Also what plays a major role is if someone can take shame or not. Everyone reacts different someone people may be ashamed of something and have it change their life for worse while others take shame and try to overcome it. One quote from the reading is “can we gain strength from shame?” by social worker Berne brown. I believe that if you can overcome shame you can become stronger as a person. In group 1 we spoke about how there was a doctor that made a bad call that got someone killed. He allowed a patient to leave the hospital to early and they ended up dying because, they didn’t have proper care. So they doctor never spoke about it because, he was so ashamed of it. So he never shared it with his fellow doctors to warn them so that it won’t happen twice so no one else gets hurt. If he would of spoke it out with someone he wouldn’t have felt as bad and he could have saved someone else’s life if another doctor makes another bad call. Hearing this story brings up a good inquiry question. Is it worth it to not admit to a mistake even if it could possible kill someone. I think that you should at least tell a co-worker so you can help them fix your error indirectly. I think that it is morally wrong for you to let someone die and you know that it is all your fault. I think if a doctor applies more GRIT to their work studies they wont be in a situation to have to hide theirs faults.

blog b

Pain never last…

     One thing that I needed persistence for is comes around every year. This major challenge that I face every year is football on a team. I love football but, it is a lot of work and you sacrifice a lot in order to play it. You don’t have much free time and it is a lot of work that has its hot days and its freezing cold days. With all of this hard work there is no guarantee that you will win all of your games or enjoy the experience or even have a chance to play during the actual game. Football is a major commitment that you take and puts a when toile on your body. When practicing you may feel tired and not want to practice because, you just came from school and its hot then after that you have to do homework. Some people may think that’s it’s too much work and may say I can’t go to practice. The only thing is a lot of homework or you being tired and hot is not an excuse to miss practice. One thing that I do to try and get past not wanting to practice is that I just try and tough it out. I may not want to practice but, I have to so I might as well try and make it fun. If you practice and you don’t have fun you will be bored which will only make practice worse. Doing this helped me get through long and tough days much easier. This can help me forget about the hot or cold weather and help practice end faster. Playing football taught me a lot and changed how I think about task in my life. I realized not everything you do is going to be easy and if you stay persistent the outcome of your hard work almost always pays off.
blog a


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First College Weekend

                 The first week that all of the freshman finally came to SCSU they gave us a day filled with activities. These activities included games, a DJ with a dance floor, lots of food, and a movie. These events were given to us because, they wanted to show us how fun SCSU is and also meet our classmates in a fun way. These events took place behind Chase hall and in front of Hickerson hall. They closed off the whole street in order to fill the street with the different attractions and food vendors. Overall I believe it was a great event to bring the SCSU family together as a family. I met a lot of people that weekend from the different events given to us for that one day. In the future I believe that they should do this event every year because, it works.

Weekly Dosage

                 This week’s words are persistence, stigma, and discipline. Persistence is when you continue to try and complete a task even when it becomes hard. Persistence is needed in anything you want to be good in. not everything is going to be easy but, when you finish a task to the best of your ability it usually pays off. The next word is stigma which means something that holds you back such as your vision being weaker in one eye then in the other. Most people have some sort of stigma even if they know it or not. As long as you try you best even a weakness that you can’t really help can hold you back. The next word is discipline which means how well you can follow rules or instructions. This is needed when having any type of job because, if you don’t follow rules you won’t have that job for long. If you can stay disciplined enough to continue a task even when it becomes hard or if there are shortcut people will take notice to it. If you use these three things you can accomplish any goal.