Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pain never last…

     One thing that I needed persistence for is comes around every year. This major challenge that I face every year is football on a team. I love football but, it is a lot of work and you sacrifice a lot in order to play it. You don’t have much free time and it is a lot of work that has its hot days and its freezing cold days. With all of this hard work there is no guarantee that you will win all of your games or enjoy the experience or even have a chance to play during the actual game. Football is a major commitment that you take and puts a when toile on your body. When practicing you may feel tired and not want to practice because, you just came from school and its hot then after that you have to do homework. Some people may think that’s it’s too much work and may say I can’t go to practice. The only thing is a lot of homework or you being tired and hot is not an excuse to miss practice. One thing that I do to try and get past not wanting to practice is that I just try and tough it out. I may not want to practice but, I have to so I might as well try and make it fun. If you practice and you don’t have fun you will be bored which will only make practice worse. Doing this helped me get through long and tough days much easier. This can help me forget about the hot or cold weather and help practice end faster. Playing football taught me a lot and changed how I think about task in my life. I realized not everything you do is going to be easy and if you stay persistent the outcome of your hard work almost always pays off.
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