Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is it really worth it….

One major problem not just at southern but, at all colleges is the student having sex. There is nothing wrong with students having sex but, is it safe sex? Many student have sex with no protection and there are many problems with that. You may catch something from your partner when having unprotected sex. Also you can end up getting a girl pregnant or if you’re a girl getting yourself pregnant if you do not practice safe sex. The one thing that I suggest everyone do is be smart when it comes to sex. Use a condom and play it safe. The condom is not for just you it is also for your partner or any future partner that you may have. The worst feeling could be that you received an STD from someone just because, you were to lazy to just use a condom.

Your Weekly dosage….

This weeks words are agency, independence, and necessity. Agency definition is related to power, movement, and being initiative. Agency is always needed if you want to get something done. The next word is independence which means that you are getting something done on your own. Being independent is important because, that means you don’t have to worry about people when you are trying to get something done. Necessity is something that is needed to accomplish something or to even survive. It is always good to take care of your necessities so that you will never have to worry about it and you can be able to take care of your business.

Spending it wisely…

During this time study I realized that I procrastinate a lot more than I thought that I did. I realized that I like to delay or do something else before I do my work. For example I am writing this blog right now at 10:45 at night the day it is due. I spent only nine hours last week truly doing homework. Most of that time was because, I had mandatory study hall. Any other time that I try and do work outside of study hall I will just talk most of time and just not get anything done or not do my homework well because, I am not paying attention. I did only 9 hours to where most students should be doing at least 20-30 hours of homework and studying. I spent most of my time at football practice. On my down time I never feel like doing homework because, I am too tired from football practice. So I most of the time I will just talk to my friends or watch t.v. My favorite thing to do of all time which is to sleep and get rest. The best way for me to end this problem is for me to do a little bit of my work every day. If I don’t wait till the day that it is due to try and complete all I wont be as tired plus I will be more willing to do it. No matter what I will always be tired from football and that is just the life of an student athlete. I just need a better way to manage my time. From football practice and study hall I have no choice but to follow the set times that I am given. So I can find a way to squeeze in a little bit of homework and studying I feel I can get my work done and understand my classes better.


Finally made it….

So far in college my school work was not as hard as I thought it would be. I feel only a few test only in my media class were hard. But, mostly test were hard if you don’t prepare for the test. If you study and our homework for that class be successful in that class should be easier. So far I had only one failure in my class which was in inquiry. The only reason I wasn’t ready was because, it was for a quiz that I was not prepared for. We were assigned a reading that I didn’t know that we had so I never even looked at it. So I learned that I have to check all my emails because, homework can be assigned at any time so I should always be ready. I had a few disappointments my media test because, the test are hard and the things that I study are never on the test. The best thing that I do try to focus on the whole chapter because, I may study a curtain thing for a long time and it may end up not even being on the test. I try and used the method of doing big projects early in bits in pieces. I am a big procrastinator and if I do a little bit every day I can get my work done. My small goal that I have is that I want to complete all of my homework this week and complete it on time. By doing this I will be more prepared and understand my work so I can complete my major goal of getting good grades. If you think about it college is not really that hard as long as you prepare yourself for the work being given to you. As of now I think that I am doing pretty good in college so far.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pep Rally fun!!!

      A few weeks ago I attended the pep rally the school was having for that week’s games. During this event there were a few artistic performances from the step team and a musical performance. This event took place in front of the student center on the grass. During this event the step team displayed their routine in front of almost 200 students. Their performance was one of the best of the night because, the team moved as one their steps looked cool and were catchy. The musical performance was done by a young artist who attend this school. He performed a few songs in front of his classmates. This event was a great way to build hype for the events for that weekend.

Is this a fair test???

      Is it fair to see how successful someone will be in life based on if they eat a marshmallow or not? They tried an experiment on 4 year olds to leave them in a room for 15 minutes and not eat a marshmallow. It may be hard for a child to control themselves if they don’t have anything to do for 15 minutes and have a marshmallow staring them in the face and they cant eat it. As adults 15 minutes may be nothing and go by fast when waiting. Even for me 15 minutes can feel like 30 minutes if I have nothing to do. I wont have a nervous breakdown but, I may be bored and I have the advantage of self-control to help me wait. Most children have a very short attention span so 15 minutes may feel like an hour to them. Also every child is different some may eat the marshmallow because they want to be rebellious while others may try and wait. Even if they want to wait some may not be able to control themselves and eat the marshmallow anyway. So this experiment may not be fair to give to a child.

       On the other hand it would be interesting how children have reacted. Some children have actually passed this test so it is passable and also the children that have passed the test were very successful in fields such as school. Another question one may ask is “how can you make a judgment if you haven’t seen the results for all the children?”. In one if the articles it explain how only about 90 out of 500 students. This means that the test may be false or not completely accurate. This is while that may be a great INQ question because, how can you talk down about students if you don’t have all the results for your testing. Truthfully I believe as a child you may not do good on the test but, still be fine when it comes to school. For example if I tell my sister not to do something she would do it in spite of what I said because, she knows it will get me angry. She loves to push my buttons so I use to always think I cant imagine how she would do in school if she doesn’t listen to me. To my finding she is an excellent student and was student on the month for her grade. She has good grades and does very well is school. So I believe you cant just make a judgment about someone as a child. No one can foresee how someone’s life is going to be. Only that one person can set the path for their life.

Weekly Dosage

      This week’s words are delayed gratification, persistence, and determination. Delayed gratification is when you wait in order to receive something that you want. Using this can help you wait for something and not become impatient while waiting for your product or service. This is good because, it will make you not settle for less or obtain a product that is less in quality because, you couldn’t wait. Persistence is when you continue an action continuously in spite of hardships or difficulties. This is needed because, not everything in life is going to be easy. And it may be hard to display patience in order to receive something that you may have been waiting for. Also when you continue to do something even though it may be difficult you are displaying determination. Determination means that one has made a firm decision to accomplish a goal. Using these three things overcoming a challenge will be a lot easier to complete.

Delayed Gratification and You…

      I remember one year when I was younger a few weeks before Christmas my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Then a few days later told me that she may not get me everything I wanted. As a child that may be blasphemous to hear from a parent that you cant get what you want. Also yes I found out Santa was fake at a young age because, of my friends. I was so heartbroken because, I would hate my friend to rub in my face what they received as gifts and ask me “what did you get??? Oh yea that right they don’t love you” (yes me and my friend were always make fun of each other over the little things just to be jerks). So I told my mom its ok she doesn’t have to give me anything for Christmas because, I thought I would rather have a home to sleep in rather than some toys and games. Well it turns out that was the right answer because, my moms’ money situation was fixed because, they fixed my mom’s check. So I received what I wanted and a little bit extra because, I didn’t lose my head cry, scream, yell I hate you, and try to run away like anyone else my age. Sometimes it is better to wait for something and not rush to get something if you are not really ready for it. I was always told “good thing come to those who wait” from my uncle.

       A lot of people believe that Americans hate to wait and this is a very super true statement. They also believe that we are very lazy. For example most people act as if they are going to have a nervous breakdown at a red light or if there is any sign of traffic. I also feel the same way about this cause I hate to wait because, I hate when I am trying to head somewhere and people delay my trip. I guess I feel that way because, I lived in New York my whole life which is a fast paced place to live. I believe that Americans believe in instant gratification. For example people dot feel like cooking food because, of the process. They think such things as it takes too long, I have to wash dishes, or I don’t feel like getting up. So what do they do go to eat fast food or if they feel really lazy they order food. I know this because, I am one of those Americans that take advantage of being as lazy as possible as often as possible.

       Some believe that technology places a major role in this which is true. Technology does nothing but, create shortcuts for everyday life. Why take the stairs when you can take the elevator for example. A person doesn’t have to really change that much as long as they take care of everything they have to take care of and not procrastinate. One idea from the reading is “those who waited to eat the marshmallow were more successful in life and in school”. So if a child can display delayed gratification there is no reason an adult cant.


Friday, September 13, 2013

In the zone

One of the hardest someone can do in their entire life. You train almost as hardest as the marines and always makes your body feel exhausted.  Only during the games it can be extremely easy compared to the hours of practice you have to do weekly. You practice for 10 hours a week for only two hours of glory which cannot be guaranteed. I guess some people can just explain it as a love for the sport. This sport is known as football. I am happy to say I have been playing football for ten years out of the 18 years of my life.

Some days I never feel like practicing because, I know I am about to go through hell. No matter rain, sun or heat wave we still have to practice with all of our gear. The average weight of all the gear a football player wears is about 7 pounds. Now imagine it is a heat wave and its about 90 degrees out. This is what goes through my head right before practice and basically my whole day as I think about practice. A football helmet can make it feel 10 degrees hotter than it is without it on. So with my helmet on instead of it feeling like 90 degrees it feels like 100. Also we play on turf fields and the turf is black which attracts heat. Not only that when you’re on the field you have to run everywhere and some days we have to condition. Now a lot of people would not dare want to work in these conditions to get banged up and yelled at all day. The only thing is when you play you get such a rush.

When the ball is hiked it is as if all my pains and worries disappear. I don’t worry about my h.w., my video games, t.v., girls, and not even my sneakers. It is a place where I can forget about all of my life troubles and be with my team. When you go to hell and back with your teammates it creates a bond that is hard for you to break. Most people after a while wouldn’t even consider these people as teammates… I am one of those people that consider them my brothers. I know they guy to my left and right have my back and I know they have mine. Also it is fun to play and do your best because, if you know you did something big like a touchdown the feedback is incredible. The team and anyone in the stands will explode with cheer and chants. It is just such a great feeling that all of this happened because, of something I did.

Football is just one of those things you have to show passion in. Also it doesn’t have to be just football you can work hard in. you can transfer the energy to anything else as long as you put your mind to it. Football can teach someone that the harder you work the better the outcome you see from your work. If you work hard in the books and study you can get good grades. You can get great feedback from this from teacher, friends and family. One way you can say both things make you want to work hard is to think about the outcome from all of your hard work. Stay positive and push through any hardships that may cross your path. Also remember “tough times don’t last… tough people do.”

How to become a better you…

         This quote means that nothing can you harm you unless you let it. For example a minor issue can become a major issue if you over think it. It is all about how you react to adversity when it faces you. Or if someone gives you positive feedback so you believe you can slack off and not take your craft seriously. As long as you don’t over think anything and let anything go to your head you should be fine. This quote applies into intrinsic motivation because; as you look to yourself for motivation you have to think positive. If you act cocky and believe you are the best plus you don’t work hard anymore you can lose your head. Simple things can turn into major issues because, you over looked a slight flaw. With extrinsic motivation you have to be careful with what people tell you. If you let some talk you up to be the greatest you may slack off which can affect you a lot. Take in the positive feedback and let that be a reason to work even harder to remain great.

          One great quote a lot of athletes hear from coaches all the time is “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. This mean you don’t have to be naturally gifted in what you are trying to do. As long as you work hard and don’t take any shortcuts you can be great. Also if you let someone distract you by telling you that you are the best and you slack off you can come up short on any goal you are trying to reach. To help become the best you need to have a growth mindset. You can learn tips and different techniques to conquer any goals you set yourself. With a fixed mindset you may believe that you are the best but, no matter how hard you work there is always going to be someone better then you. It is never bad to take feedback from someone trying to help you. In our readings there was an article which spoke about the writer saying how he played sports when he was younger. In this story he spoke how no one had faith in him as a player. First of all he didn’t want to play sports and with all this negative feedback it just made him hate it more. As long as you stay positive with the proper motivation anything is possible…

Football Season Opener!!!

This was the first home game of the whole year for SCSU. The SCSU football team play the football team called IUP. This was a big game for the SCSU because; IUP is ranked number 7 in the nation for division 2 football. The game was played on September 7th and was at 1pm at the Moore field house.  Also what was nice about this event is that they tailgated before the game and the stands were filled with people. The mascot and the cheerleaders also keep people evolved and entertained during the game while cheering on the football team. Also being part of the football team during this event was very exciting to have a lot of support for us. There was so much screaming, chants, and applause all throughout the game which helped keep us positive with all the ups and downs. At the end the day SCSU ended up losing to IUP to a score of 20- 30. I suggest attend a football game or any sporting event at SCSU and show your support.

Your Weekly Dosage

               This week’s three vocabulary words are motivation, resilience, and adversity. These three things are needed to be able to be great in anything you do. Motivation is what gives you the drive to do something. Motivation is the difference in being average or being one of the best. Motivation is what makes you study that extra hour or run that extra lap when training for a sport. Resilience is what keeps you fighting when things don’t go your way. Nothing in life is going to be easy and when you remain resilient you will be able to complete your goal to the best of your ability. Another name for these difficulties is adversity. Adversity is a hardship you face while trying to complete a task. By overcoming adversity it make you stronger as a person. By using motivation, resilience, and overcoming adversity anything is possible.

Friday, September 6, 2013

No More Fun and Games…

                This week I did a lot of things that I normally don’t do. I studied and actually read a chapter that was assigned to me. In high school I never ever read any chapters that a teacher told me to read. After a little bit of inspiration of decided I will take school a little more serious. My goal is to get really good grades and stay on top of my work. So far it is working out very well. One main reason I am able to do all of my work the right way is because, of my planner.

                A planer is a great way to stay organized and be on top of your work. I am able to write down all the work that I need to do and also by when I have to submit it. A planner is a great source to stay organized and help me not become overwhelmed with work. I learned a lot while during this week and staying on top of my work. It helped me participate in class with the teacher. I remember in my INQ class when no one raised their hands I was able to start the conversation. I was able to take the initiative and start the conversation in class. I knew how to explain the articles because, I read it and took my time on the articles so I can understand it.

                Setting goals is a great way to have a starting point and better yourself. This week went very well with staying on top of my work. Also as a student athlete I owe 5 hours of study hall each week which also help me stay on task with my work. So even if I want to slack of I still have a bare minimum of five hours of studying to do a week. Also I am able to do my work earlier and don’t have to scramble to get my work done last minute like I use to. One good piece of advice I have to everyone is to make sure you do your homework as soon as possible so you don’t have to worry about it. So if there is a black out and no power you don’t have to worry about your if your work was saved or not because, it was printed or submitted already.

The Turning Point

One thing that was very useful to me from this week’s reading is becoming a deep thinker. “If one of your goals at college is to become a deeper, more nuanced thinker, then you need time – lots of time” by study hacks. This quote from study hack meant a lot to me. Do not just do the bare minimum when studying or doing your homework. You need to go above and beyond if you truly want to be great in your field of study. Also putting in the extra work help you understand the topic of study better for class.

                When I start studying I will try and spend a little bit extra time of studying. I will use that tip as soon as possible. Skimming through my work will not work in college. Most people will slip through the cracks and pass classes without studying but, that will not work in college. Also putting in the extra work can help you understand your field of study better and be more engaged in class discussions because, you know what your professor is speaking about.

                Another great quote is “the students who make great mental leaps, and really become more sophisticated thinkers, are those who have more than enough time to think about, work on, grapple with, and revel in their coursework” By study hacks. I believe to be the best you need to train like the best. The hardest workers usually have the best results and seeing this quote just reinforces my beliefs. The reason we come to college is to learn and master the fields of our study to the best of our ability. The only way to do this is to put in hours of work to accomplish your goals and be just that much better then the next man. This article is a great article for people to read when they are prepping for anything.

All quotes have come from this website:

If you have extra time you should stop by and check out this article and don’t worry you wont be disappointed.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Your Weekly Dosage

                This week’s word is initiative. Initiative is basically like you step up to do something when others seem timid.  It’s always good to take to take initiative when dealing with a shy group of people or you will never get anything done. People always notice when a person take initiative and often can respect you for it. It’s never good to approach a task timidly because, that can often lead to failure or not working to the best of the ability. Basically when you take initiative you don’t look towards others for help. Unless you trust that person it’s hard to depend on a person if they don’t take their work seriously. As you grow into an adult it’s always good to know you can always depend on yourself and not have a stigma hold you back such as a lazy partner. Always take the initiative and be aggressive when it comes to a task. Besides you have to start somewhere anyway so why not take initiative and let it be you.

New Student Convocation !!

Last Wednesday September 4th at 1pm we had a special assembly. It was basically the freshmen being reintroduced into the SCSU family. At this meeting we had two different presidents speak to the freshmen as a class. One was our student government president and the other being the president of our school. From what I hear you don’t really get to see the president of the school that much so it felt good seeing her speak and welcome us. I know she is a really busy women and she gave us a speech with a few words of inspiration. I only wish I could have been to the meeting a little bit earlier but I didn’t get out of class until 1. Maybe if you want to see the speech next time I am sure you can see it next year and I doubt anyone would mind if you go to watch.