Saturday, September 21, 2013

Is this a fair test???

      Is it fair to see how successful someone will be in life based on if they eat a marshmallow or not? They tried an experiment on 4 year olds to leave them in a room for 15 minutes and not eat a marshmallow. It may be hard for a child to control themselves if they don’t have anything to do for 15 minutes and have a marshmallow staring them in the face and they cant eat it. As adults 15 minutes may be nothing and go by fast when waiting. Even for me 15 minutes can feel like 30 minutes if I have nothing to do. I wont have a nervous breakdown but, I may be bored and I have the advantage of self-control to help me wait. Most children have a very short attention span so 15 minutes may feel like an hour to them. Also every child is different some may eat the marshmallow because they want to be rebellious while others may try and wait. Even if they want to wait some may not be able to control themselves and eat the marshmallow anyway. So this experiment may not be fair to give to a child.

       On the other hand it would be interesting how children have reacted. Some children have actually passed this test so it is passable and also the children that have passed the test were very successful in fields such as school. Another question one may ask is “how can you make a judgment if you haven’t seen the results for all the children?”. In one if the articles it explain how only about 90 out of 500 students. This means that the test may be false or not completely accurate. This is while that may be a great INQ question because, how can you talk down about students if you don’t have all the results for your testing. Truthfully I believe as a child you may not do good on the test but, still be fine when it comes to school. For example if I tell my sister not to do something she would do it in spite of what I said because, she knows it will get me angry. She loves to push my buttons so I use to always think I cant imagine how she would do in school if she doesn’t listen to me. To my finding she is an excellent student and was student on the month for her grade. She has good grades and does very well is school. So I believe you cant just make a judgment about someone as a child. No one can foresee how someone’s life is going to be. Only that one person can set the path for their life.

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