Saturday, September 21, 2013

Delayed Gratification and You…

      I remember one year when I was younger a few weeks before Christmas my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Then a few days later told me that she may not get me everything I wanted. As a child that may be blasphemous to hear from a parent that you cant get what you want. Also yes I found out Santa was fake at a young age because, of my friends. I was so heartbroken because, I would hate my friend to rub in my face what they received as gifts and ask me “what did you get??? Oh yea that right they don’t love you” (yes me and my friend were always make fun of each other over the little things just to be jerks). So I told my mom its ok she doesn’t have to give me anything for Christmas because, I thought I would rather have a home to sleep in rather than some toys and games. Well it turns out that was the right answer because, my moms’ money situation was fixed because, they fixed my mom’s check. So I received what I wanted and a little bit extra because, I didn’t lose my head cry, scream, yell I hate you, and try to run away like anyone else my age. Sometimes it is better to wait for something and not rush to get something if you are not really ready for it. I was always told “good thing come to those who wait” from my uncle.

       A lot of people believe that Americans hate to wait and this is a very super true statement. They also believe that we are very lazy. For example most people act as if they are going to have a nervous breakdown at a red light or if there is any sign of traffic. I also feel the same way about this cause I hate to wait because, I hate when I am trying to head somewhere and people delay my trip. I guess I feel that way because, I lived in New York my whole life which is a fast paced place to live. I believe that Americans believe in instant gratification. For example people dot feel like cooking food because, of the process. They think such things as it takes too long, I have to wash dishes, or I don’t feel like getting up. So what do they do go to eat fast food or if they feel really lazy they order food. I know this because, I am one of those Americans that take advantage of being as lazy as possible as often as possible.

       Some believe that technology places a major role in this which is true. Technology does nothing but, create shortcuts for everyday life. Why take the stairs when you can take the elevator for example. A person doesn’t have to really change that much as long as they take care of everything they have to take care of and not procrastinate. One idea from the reading is “those who waited to eat the marshmallow were more successful in life and in school”. So if a child can display delayed gratification there is no reason an adult cant.


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