Saturday, November 16, 2013

True value of liberal arts

What is the value of liberal arts???
“Liberal arts is founded on a whole person, developing a person athletically and academically. Liberal arts is going international. The 21st century is one of entrepreneurship and innovation. There will not be fixed careers. The liberal arts teaches you to think outside the box.”
By: Professor Chopp
Liberal arts not only helps you get a degree for a major of your choice but, generally educates you in the basics. By the basics I mean things such as math and reading. Some may think you may not use these skills in the real world but they are sadly mistaken. No one will want to hire a person who can’t do basic math to solve simple problems. Or won’t be able to complete a task from their boss because, they can’t read and understand what the boss emailed them to do.
            In the quote from this week’s readings it Professor Chopp it speaks that entrepreneurship is a major thing in today’s 21st century. Without knowing the basics there is no way a person can run and/or properly maintain a business. Some may say that the math that is thought today such as calculus will never be needed if I want to be a fireman or something that doesn’t really involve advanced math. With that comment a person is wrong because, when people do harder levels of math it keeps the brain working and helps you intake information better. So in fact these hard problems that everyone hates is in fact making you smarter.
            Also learning liberal arts is good just for being educated and knowing what you are talking about. When leaving college most schools want you to be at a certain intellectual level. For example do you really want to have a doctor operate on you if they can’t read off of a paper what’s wrong with you???
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