Saturday, November 16, 2013

which means more to you???

Is Creativity or Liberal Arts more important to teach in school?
            I think you need a little bit of both in schools because, you need both in order to be successful in any task. You need to know the basics when you try to be creative in order to create any idea you have. Also there is no point of learning the basics if you are not going to apply your new found knowledge into something productive. Both are needed to complete even the most basic of task. The work together just as your two legs work together when walking.
            Creativity can give someone the drive to do something worth-while. Creativity is what all great inventers used in order to create the next big thing. Creativity is what gives people the drive to improve already invented objects to improve quality of living. Creativity is what can get you a better grade by going above and beyond with any task you have.
            Liberal arts are needed so people can at least know how to function in the most basic conversations. Without this people may be out of the loop a lot because, of the lack of knowledge that a person knows. With liberal arts people can be creative in a lot of ways. A person may not be the smartest person in the world but, if they combine the two they can accomplish a lot. Both things are needed in to even make it out of elementary school. They wont let you leave without knowing how to read and write. Also they assign you projects where you have to think outside of the box and the more creative usually the better the grade. Even in 1st grade they try to teach you simple math and reward you by coloring pictures. Most may think of it as just coloring but, you are using your brain to create your ideas.

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